• The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka offers fund to support the activities of the Thai Studies Section, Osaka University

The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka offers fund to support the activities of the Thai Studies Section, Osaka University


Press Release

The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka offers fund to support the activities of the Thai Studies Section, Osaka University


          On 20 November 2020, Consul-General Krit Tankanarat presented the fund of 142,000 yen to Professor Dr. Murakami Tadayoshi, Head of the Thai Studies Section, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University to support the Thai language and cultural activities of the Thai Studies Section held from 5 - 6 December 2020. Present were Assistant Professor Dr. Maliwan Buranaphatana and students of the Thai Studies Section.

          On this occasion, the Consul-General expressed appreciation to the professors and students of the Thai Studies Section for promoting Thailand and Thai language in Japan.    
He hoped that the assisted fund used in organizing the three activities of the Thai Studies Section, namely the Thai cultural activity, Thai language contest and Thai drama presentation,
will promote better understanding and viewpoint about Thailand as well as strengthen Thai - Japanese relations at the people-to-people level.

          Thai language section of Osaka University was established in 1949. Currently 71 years, it is one of three universities in Japan which offers Thai language as a major, aside from the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Tokyo and Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba Prefecture. Around 75 Japanese students are enrolled in the Thai Studies Section and will have the opportunity to travel to Thailand under the exchange program with Thai universities. The alumni association of the Thai Studies Section of the University, Hakuzo-Kai, meets annually to establish network and update information on Thailand.




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