- 26 November 2017 Consul-General Munin Paniswasdi Attended a Social Gathering of the Alumni Association of the Thai Studies Major, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University
26 November 2017 Consul-General Munin Paniswasdi Attended a Social Gathering of the Alumni Association of the Thai Studies Major, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University
On 26 November 2017,Consul-General Munin Paniswasdi attended a social gathering of “Hakuzo-Kai” or the Alumni Association of the Thai Studies Major, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, at China Table Restaurant, Senri Asahi Hankyu Building, Osaka. About 40 members of the Association attended the event.
The “Hakuzo-Kai” was established in 1949. At present, there are around 800 members with Mr. Yoshikazu Yokoe, Specially Appointed Professor of the Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University, as the president.
On this occasion, Consul-General MuninPaniswasdiemphasizedthat thecelebration of the 130th Anniversary of Thailand-Japan Diplomatic relations on 26 September 2017 has reflected thelongstanding close and cordial relations between Thailand and Japan. The Consul-General took the opportunity to congratulatethe Thai Studies Major the School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, for having produced hundreds of well qualified alumni who have played great roles in helping strengthen Thailand-Japan relations especially in the areas of economics, trade and investment, culture and education.The Consul-General further expressed the readiness of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka to support the “Hakuzo-Kai” and the School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, to promote Thai Studies and increaseinterest among the Japanese youthabout Thai studies.

The “Hakuzo-Kai” was established in 1949. At present, there are around 800 members with Mr. Yoshikazu Yokoe, Specially Appointed Professor of the Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University, as the president.
On this occasion, Consul-General MuninPaniswasdiemphasizedthat thecelebration of the 130th Anniversary of Thailand-Japan Diplomatic relations on 26 September 2017 has reflected thelongstanding close and cordial relations between Thailand and Japan. The Consul-General took the opportunity to congratulatethe Thai Studies Major the School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, for having produced hundreds of well qualified alumni who have played great roles in helping strengthen Thailand-Japan relations especially in the areas of economics, trade and investment, culture and education.The Consul-General further expressed the readiness of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka to support the “Hakuzo-Kai” and the School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, to promote Thai Studies and increaseinterest among the Japanese youthabout Thai studies.

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