• 3rdThailand-JapanCulture Fair in Kyoto

3rdThailand-JapanCulture Fair in Kyoto


    On 14 October 2018,Mr. NaruchaiNinnad, ActingConsul-General of Thailand in Osaka, attended and delivered hisopening remarks at the 3rdThailand-Japan Culture Fair in Kyoto organized by Japan-Thailand Educational Exchange Society (JTEES) at Kyoto International Community House. Mr. Shuichi Yamauchi, Vice Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Mr. DaisakuKadokawa, Mayor of Kyoto City and Mr. Masaharu Murata, Chairman of Kyoto Prefectural Assembly,also attended the event. 
    Main objective of Thailand-Japan Culture Fair in Kyoto isto strengthen Thailand-Japan relations through cultural exchange activities.A variety of Thailand-Japan related activitieswere offered at the Culture Fair including Thai tourism promotion activities by Tourism Authority of Thailand and Thai Airways, traditional Thai dance performance by Thai youths from Thailand, Japanese cultural performances, booths selling Thai food and products, fruit and vegetable carving demonstration, traditional Thai massage, and Japanese tea ceremony.On the said occasion, the Royal Thai Consulate-General distributed document to raise awareness among Thai community in Kyoto about the elections outside the kingdom by internet voting system (I-VOTE).
    The 3rdThailand-Japan Culture Fair in Kyoto enjoyed generous support from Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture and Team Thailand in Osaka.This year’s Culture Fair received around 12,000 visitors.



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09.30 am.-11.30 am.